Changes Made in Ultron AI Trading System!!

 Ultron AI updates the following robots

Series 1:
- Robot Amount: INR 500
- Robot Quantity Limit: 2 (Minimum 2 robots purchased with an amount of INR 500)
- Robot Validity: 1 day
- Total profit for the day: INR 40
- Total withdrawal amount: INR 1040

Series 2:
- Robot Amount: INR 1000
- Robot Quantity Limit: 2 (Minimum 2 robots purchased with an amount of INR 1000)
- Robot Validity: 1 day
- Total profit for the day: INR 80
- Total withdrawal amount: INR 2080

Series 3:
- Robot Amount: INR 2500
- Robot Quantity Limit: 2
- Robot Validity: 2 days
- Total profit for 2 days: INR 320
- Total withdrawal amount: INR 5320

Series 4:
- Ultron AI Trading Process:
- Invest ₹10,000.
- Daily earnings: 3% of ₹10,000 = ₹300.
- Weekly earnings (Monday to Friday): ₹300 x 5 = ₹1,500.
- No earnings on Saturday and Sunday.
The total income for 60 days is 18,000 RS

Series 5:
-AI TRADIN Exhibition
-Invest ₹30,000.
- Daily earnings: 4% of ₹30,000 = ₹1,200.
- Weekly earnings (Monday to Friday):₹1,200x5 = ₹6,000.
- No earnings on Saturday and Sunday.
The total income for 45 days is 54,000RS

Digital currency trading

Series 6:
- AI Blockchain Trading Process:
- For a $200 investment:
- Daily earnings: 3% of $200 = $6.
- Weekly earnings (Monday to Friday): $6 x 5 = $30.

Series 7:
- For a $500 investment:
- Daily earnings: 5% of $500 = $25.
- Weekly earnings (Monday to Friday): $25 x 5 = $125.
- No earnings on Saturday and Sunday.

In the face of investing in big data, investment and trading not only takes a lot of time, but also causes losses, negative emotions, etc. With quantitative AI trading, these will not happen.

What are the benefits of AI quantitative trading?

Improve transaction efficiency, reduce transaction costs, automatically execute trading strategies, eliminate human emotional interference, and achieve high-frequency trading


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